The Banana Cake Eaten Around the World

I never thought I’d see a year where Esther’s banana cake recipe traveled more miles than I did. Yes, even after months of being grounded, there is much I’m grateful for and many things I’ve learned. For example, I finally learned to cook, like REALLY cook. (I have Alison Roman and Samin Nosrat from New York Times Cooking to thank for that miracle.)

Of course, you’re welcome to ask Esther for her famous banana cake recipe. Our team is always thrilled to share anything we have with you. That said, I want to share my personal recipe for “What Makes a World of Difference in 2021.”

It only takes 5 ingredients:
1. A heaping scoop of positivity
        We are getting through this and seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

2. Gobs of gratitude
        I am so lucky to have the best clients, partners and team.
3.  A generous dash of humor
        I became one of “those” people and created an Instagram page for my cat, Hubble.
4. A healthy amount of friendship and community
        More time at home in Maine means more time to be present.
5. A squeeze from Mom
        Hugs from Anna make everything better. Always have, always will.
Mix everything together. Best enjoyed served with a side of optimism. 
I imagine you have similar recipe that you love. Should we start a recipe exchange? Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year!
